Monday, April 17, 2017

A Zero-Waste Future

Image result for zero waste logo
            As my blog posting comes to an end, I imagine my readers may have a bleak outlook on the future of our planet due to the large amount of waste the population creates. Many may think that there is no way to stop the snowball that we have started rolling. The vast volume of waste that has already accumulated is shocking and can be alarming. Though there is not much that we can do about the waste we have already created, we must strive to reduce our future waste, strive for a zero-waste future. The idea of zero waste seems daunting, but is actually a real goal for many people and communities.

            Zero waste is a principle that focuses on a circular system for resources, as opposed to a linear one. This involves an entire focus on recycling and reusing, where waste is eliminated as opposed to managed. Essentially, no waste comes from consumers. All non-recyclable packaging is removed and all other products that leave the home are either recyclable or compostable. This system models nature in the way that all materials are used, reused, or absorbed by the earth.

            Surprisingly, many cities have made plans to strive towards zero waste, Minneapolis included. Minneapolis has a goal to recycle and compost 50% of its city’s trash by 2020, and 80% of its total trash by 2030. It makes me proud to live in a city that is taking step to move toward zero waste like some west coast cities like San Francisco and Seattle. San Fran recycles and composts 77% of its waste, and Seattle recycles and composts 56% of its waste. Their numbers are so high mainly because they have laws set in place that prevents the sale of non-recyclables.

            It may seem daunting as an individual to attempt to reach towards zero waste in your own home. But I can tell you that it is not as difficult as it seems. One of the easiest ways to produce less trash is to bring reusable bags to the grocery store. They reduce the number of harmful plastic bags that can easily be washed into the environment though mismanagement, and many stores offer a discount based on the number of bags you bring. Target offers a 5-cent per bag discount, and other environmentally friendly retailers like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s offer discounts as well. Though getting a discount should not be the only reason you bring reusable bags, it sure provides an incentive! Another way to reduce your waste is to buy in bulk or avoid individually packaged items. It is much more economical and environmentally conscience to buy one large package instead of many smaller packages.

I hope that my blog as a whole has helped my audience understand the large impact that their waste has on the environment. If I motivate one person to just think about the impacts that their waste has, I will be fulfilled! If we work together as a human race, there is such a strong possibility that the country and the world could be zero waste within the next few decades! Again, I firmly believe that it is the little things that count. Making the decision to bring a reusable bag instead of using a plastic one, could one day, change the world.

Stay Sustainable,



Monday, April 10, 2017

A Survey: What About You?

                Over Spring Break, I was able to spend time with some of my family and take some much needed time off school. I took this time to write some blog posts, and find out about my family’s interaction with waste on a daily basis. So I interviewed my immediate family, and my aunt and uncle about their waste practices and their knowledge of their city’s practices.

                I started with my mom and stepdad who live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They recycle, mostly cardboard and plastics like water and milk bottles and yogurt containers. They do not compost, simply because there is not a lot of room in the backyard of houses in the city like theirs. They also do not really have a need for it considering that they do not have a garden or anything like that. Also, they claim it is a lot of work, which is true. When questioned about curbside composting, they said that they would happily take part in this, if no fee was associated. I then asked them about hazardous wastes and their knowledge of its disposal. They knew that cleaning supplies and automotive oils are hazardous, but they were unaware of some other household materials that are hazardous. My mom says that her practices include finishing a bottle of cleaning supplies, rinsing it, then recycling the bottle. Although this may not be the best way of disposing of hazardous wastes, it is a huge step forward from simply dumping these materials down the drain (which she knows not to do!). Additionally, they take auto oils to the local dump nearby, where they dispose of them, though my family does not know exactly what happens after the trade.

                I also talked to my aunt and uncle about their waste practices. They recycle mostly cardboard, soda cans and bottles, yogurt containers, and milk and water bottles. They do not compost, though they did attempt to start a compost pile once for their garden. They said that it turned out to be very time consuming and a lot of work. They also claim that they did not have extensive knowledge on how to properly handle the compost, which seems to be one of the most common reasons that people do not compost more. Also, my uncle works at a USG factory in Walworth, Wisconsin. USG is a company that produces many different ceiling covers like tiles, panels, finishes, as well as flooring and roofing materials. I asked him about how his factory handles industrial waste that they create. He explained to me that his plant is a zero-waste plant that has no greenhouse emissions or chemical wastes. They are a self-contained plant, meaning that any hazardous waste that they create, they keep stored on site. They also have a whole team dedicated to managing hazardous waste in case of a spill or breakage. It was very interesting to hear how waste is handled in an industrial setting, even in such a small town.

                I also asked them were they think their trash goes after it is picked up by the garbage trucks. My mom did not know this information, but my step dad knew that the waste goes to a landfill outside of the city. My aunt was not certain, but she had an idea that her trash also went to a landfill on the outskirts of the city, and she would be correct. It was interesting for me to learn that there are many people that do not have any knowledge of what happens to their trash after it leaves their homes, and I think this is a trend that extends far past my family.

                I have been very happy about learning the technicalities of waste and how it is treated, but I feel very fortunate to be able to talk to real people about their experiences with trash. I hope that this blog in general allows people to think about their waste more and not just forget about it. Waste is an issue that is often looked over because it is such an everyday theme, but it is one of the largest issues that we are facing as a population now, and it will continue to be an issue unless we do something about it.

                Please feel free to comment on this post about sustainable practices you have at home or your knowledge of your waste after it leaves your home!

Stay Sustainable,


Monday, April 3, 2017

Hazardous Waste

Image result for hazardous waste
                So far, we have only discussed waste treatment options for MSW, or municipal solid waste. But there are many other types of waste that must be considered when discussing waste management. One of the most important of these wastes is hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is any waste that poses a threat to public health or the environment. These wastes cannot initially be disposed of by regular methods like landfills, incineration, or recycling, and must be stored or treated to decrease their harm to the environment. Some hazardous wastes must be stored for very long periods of times, even thousands of years, until they can be recycled or sent to a landfill. Today we are going to discuss the misconceptions of hazardous waste, some examples, the possible treatments of hazardous waste, and the correct ways to disposed of household hazardous wastes.

There are many misconceptions about hazardous waste, many of which I had before doing some extensive research. One of the biggest misconceptions of hazardous waste it that it only comes from big factories and power plants, and I thought this was true too. Hazardous wastes can come from factories and processing plants, but a large portion also comes from households, auto shops, drycleaners, and even art shops. I’ll discuss how each of these places contributes to hazardous waste later. Another misconception about hazardous waste is that it remains dangerous forever and cannot ever be disposed of in landfills or incinerators. This is not necessarily true. Many hazardous wastes can be stored and treated until their hazard is no longer present. This then allows the substance to be disposed of in a regular landfill or incinerator.

                Now that we know some of the misconceptions of hazardous waste, it is important to know some examples of what hazardous waste is. Hazardous waste is divided into many different categories based on their characteristics, but I am just going to outline the most important ones. A large source of hazardous waste is sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Sludge is a semisolid material that is a byproduct of sewage treatment. Additionally, household cleaners and degreasers are also considered hazardous waste. Many paints and paint wash waters are hazardous as well because they are flammable. Also, photographic processing wastes that contain silver (used in the development of film) are hazardous as well. Pesticides are also hazardous. Batteries, thermometers, and automotive fluids, like antifreeze and motor oil, are all hazardous materials. Finally, many dry-cleaning wastes are hazardous because they are flammable. There are many other forms of hazardous wastes, but these are common items that most people would be familiar with. As you can see, the list of hazardous wastes that you come in contact with on a daily basis is substantial and cause for concern.

                There are many options for disposal of hazardous wastes. One manner of disposal is treatment and disposal. Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities are areas that house hazardous materials after they have been treated. Here, wastes are altered through incineration or oxidation to change their chemical makeup. Then, the treated waste is stored for a short amount of time, then disposed of, usually at a landfill or incinerator, where strict precautions are taken to regulate pollution. These facilities treat and manage large amounts of waste and are highly regulated by the EPA. Contrary to normal disposal, hazardous wastes can also be recycled. Hazardous materials are not recycled in ways that plastics, paper, and metals are recycled. Hazardous materials are recycled if they are reclaimed, meaning that they are modified to be used for a different task other than their original use, or if they are reused. There are different manners of recycling many different products, so explaining them would be difficult. This method is useful because it prevents more precious metals and other chemicals from having to be extracted from the earth.

                Last but not least, it is very important for you to learn about how you can properly dispose of household hazardous materials. The first and most important rule about managing household hazardous waste is DO NOT POUR HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS DOWN THE DRAIN. Pouring hazardous liquids like paints, cleaners, oils, and pesticides will contaminate the sewage system and can cause harm to sanitation workers. This action also has the possibility of harming the environment and human health if the toxic chemicals reach bodies of water or sources of drinking water. Finally, pouring liquids down the drain causes the wastewater treatment plants to expend more energy to treat the water that comes in from households, which is a cause for more fossil fuels. The next important step in hazardous waste disposal is to check and read the labels on the packaging and make sure to follow instructions. Next comes actual disposal of the waste. Some cities offer hazardous waste curbside pickup. Others provide year-round collections sites in your area. If your city does not offer hazardous waste disposal, some local businesses, like auto garages, will accept hazardous wastes, like motor oil. Also, make sure you write your representatives encouraging them to start to offer these services. The final way you can aid in the disposal of hazardous wastes is to simply use them less often. Try to find alternative cleaning and polishing products that are natural and safe for the environment.

                Just like e-wastes, it is surprising that so many people do not know about the dangers that this type of waste can have. We all run into these items very frequently and many people don’t think about what happens to them when they are disposed of with normal garbage. I urge you to make positive changes in your household to decrease the dangers of these items and to ultimately save the planet.

Stay Sustainable,

